Elvie Shane || My Boy || Single TOOLKIT

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  • Elvie Shane - My Boy (Single Image) Download
  • Elvie Shane - "My Boy" Intro Liner
    Hey ya’ll this is Elvie Shane with my new single “My Boy”
  • Elvie Shane - "My Boy" Intro Liner
    Hey guys this is Elvie Shane and your listening to my new singe “My Boy”
  • Elvie Shane - "My Boy" Outro Liner
    Hey this is Elvie Shane and that was my new single “My Boy”
  • My Boy - CutxCut
    Elvie - "What’s up, guys? So... a little story behind the song. Ironically five years ago this week, I was sitting on the back deck of our house up in Hendersonville with some friends [Russell Sutton, Nick Columbia, Lee Star]. I had just been sent a post on Facebook that said, 'I don’t have a step son; I have a son that was born before I met him.' Man ,that resonated with me, there was a message there and I wanted to get it out. Nick Columbia said “Well tell me about your step son." I said “Man, he’s MY BOY” and the rest is history."
  • My Boy - CutxCut
    Elvie - "There’s an old Garth Brooks song that says “blood is thicker than water, but love is thicker than blood”. That was the message that we were trying to get out with this song, “My Boy.” I hope you guys really enjoy it."